Prayer and Liturgy

At Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School, Christ is at the centre of all of our thoughts and actions. Prayer and Liturgy allows us all – children, staff and parents – to come together to know, to serve and to love God. It happens every day. We provide opportunities for children’s spiritual growth and development through participation in a variety of forms of worship and prayer.

Our worship is inclusive and gives all of the school community the chance to be part of the experience, while respecting the integrity of family and cultural backgrounds.

Children have the opportunity to participate, take ownership of their prayer life and develop their own relationship with God. Teachers aim to give children a real voice in planning and leading collective worship. Our pupils are always keen to participate in Acts of Worship and can lead them with confidence and creativity. As the children progress through the school, they work together to plan and deliver Prayer and Liturgy in their classes. They may create the environment, choose a Gathering activity, the Word, our Response to the Word and our Mission.

Children pray together at various times in the day with reverence and respect. Children in each year group come together once a week for a Prayer and Liturgy assembly led by one of the year group teachers on a rota basis. The theme is taken from the liturgical year. The first Prayer and Liturgy assembly of each term is always based on the school Mission Statement and core values.  Celebration Assemblies are led by a phase leader or a member of SLT on a Friday – this also includes the opportunity to celebrate the children's successes both in and out of school.  Prayer and Liturgy is led in class by the Class Teacher for the remaining four days.

We are blessed to be able to invite Father Stephen into school to celebrate feast days with us and special prayer and liturgy throughout the year.

The Primary School Wednesday Word is an outreach which shares Sunday's Gospel with all school families, in a unique way.

This is a weekly Gospel 'gift' from the school to the child to take home, which then becomes a 'gift' from the child to the whole family.

Please click on the link to access the Wednesday Word Magazine or click on the links below to download the PDf versions.

Academic Year 2023-2024

Academic Year 2022-2023

Wednesday Word

Grandparent’s Prayer and Liturgy

Easter Prayer and Liturgy

Parents and other family members were invited into school to celebrate Easter with us earlier this year. Year 4 parents and carers joined us for our Lenten liturgy. We prayed the CAFOD Stations of the Cross. The children led the liturgy and parents were invited to join in with the prayers. It was a very solemn and prayerful experience.

We invited our Grandparents for a special Grandparents' Prayer and Liturgy on 6th October. It was a wonderful celebration to share together.