Welcome to Phase 2

I am Mrs Jones the Phase 2 leader.

Phase 2 consists of three year groups: Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. Our vision in Phase 2 is to enable all children to use their talents and interests to achieve and make progress. We aim to create well–rounded children who love to learn.

We support all children as they transition from EYFS to Year 1 and again as they continue their learning as a junior school pupil.  We teach a range of subjects and provide numerous opportunities for our learning to continue outside of the classroom.  We work hard to prepare all of the children for the demands of the curriculum and support them as they become independent, resilient learners. We also support children as they prepare to take important statutory assessments such as Phonics screening in Year 1 and SATS in Year 2.

I am looking forward to seeing you about our school and working with your children in the coming year.

Thank you for your continued support.

Daily routine

The gates to both yards open from 8:40am daily. Your child should be in class by 8:55am which is when our lessons begin. Whenever possible, we try to teach all core subjects in the mornings, such as English, Maths, Reading and Spelling or Phonics.

Playtime is at 10:30am for Year 1 and 2 and at 10:45am for Year 3. All children have a 15 minute break. Fruit is available for children in Years 1 and 2 and children in Year 3 are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack (fruit).

All children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle to drink throughout the day. Please remember this should only contain plain water. (No fruit juice or flavoured water please). Lunchtime is 12-1 and we do not have a break in the afternoon. There are often clubs running at lunchtimes, such as school council, eco -team and choir. 

During the afternoon sessions we use a topic based approach. We cover a range of subjects through our driver topic. For example; history, geography, art and design technology.

Each year group also has a resource area, which are themed around our current curriculum topic. You may see areas which include,  seaside, The Cavern Club or even the ancient city of Pompeii! Children can take part in many different activities such as role-play, reading, art and writing activities.

Year 1 and 2 finish at 3:15pm and are collected from their classroom door.

Year 3 children finish at 3:25pm and are collected from the main gates at the front of the junior building. Please ensure you collect your child promptly.


All children in Phase 2 are given weekly homework and may be given an additional piece of homework based on the topic they have been doing in class. All Year groups will bring home a piece of Maths and English homework every Friday. This should be completed and returned to school the following Friday. These tasks will be linked to your child’s learning in school. Please support them when necessary to complete these tasks. Homework is often marked with your child so please help them to return it on the correct day. All children will also bring home spellings linked to the spelling rule they are currently learning.

Reading Books

Reading is a vital skill which underpins everything we do at school. It is vital that your child reads at home each day. Their reading record will be checked weekly in school and we ask that you support your child by indicating whenever your child has read. All books are changed of a Friday. Please send in books each week. If possible please ensure your child has their book in school each day as we hear readers regularly during the week.


Children attend a weekly pastoral assembly with their year group. In addition to this we have a weekly phase assembly every Friday at 2:30 where we celebrate children’s achievements. Children also participate in daily Collective Worship sessions.

P.E lessons

Children must bring their PE kit into school for all PE lessons – red shorts, white t-shirt and suitable footwear. Physical Education is a very important part of the school curriculum, so it is vital that all children have their kit with them. If for any medical reason your child cannot take part in PE lessons, a note must be provided. We encourage children to bring their PE kit into school on Mondays and take it home on Fridays.


We are a Spanish Centre of Excellence and our children enjoy working with the Spanish teachers. They quickly acquire new language skills through participating in a range of songs, rhymes and games. Year 3 have a weekly session with a language specialist.